Choose what type of form you are completing.
Select your new employee from the list. If unavailable, enter his or her ID#.
First Name
Last Name
Employee ID
Start Date
Job Title
Common name you want to use for email address
Is this a work study student?
Office/Room #
You must give IVTS at least two weeks' notice to allow time to order and configure new equipment, if needed. Only one computer per employee.
If known, what is the phone extension?
Click here if you would like IVTS to assign a phone number
User Type
(Check all that apply.)
Jenzabar Permissions
(Check all that apply)
Select Approval Track
SharePoint Folder Access
(List the title of the department folder or any other folders the employee will need to access)
CHECK OFFICE BEFORE FILLING THIS OUT to see what hardware may have been left behind by the former employee. Below, please note which equipment this employee needs. (Check all that apply.)
Other equipment not listed above:
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