This agreement is made and entered into this day by and between Ellsworth Community College and the student completing the application, hereinafter referred to as resident. The college agrees to rent living space and provide food service.
Room Deposit and Assignment:
A $120.00 deposit must be paid before a room assignment will be made. This deposit serves to hold your room, and also serves as a damage deposit. The college reserves the right to refund the deposit and refuse assignment to any applicant. Request for refunds in case of cancellations will be honored if made in writing and received before August 1. The college reserves the right to make final decisions on room assignments. Any reasonable request for preference will be honored as far as possible.
A resident of the college residence hall is required to select a meal plan from the college cafeteria.
Term of the Contract:
The term of this contract shall be for the entire academic year. Only full-time students may reside in the residence halls. To qualify as full-time, students must carry a minimum of 12 credit hours. Any student who at any time falls below 12 credits may be required to move out of the residence halls. No resident may move out of the residence hall without the written consent of the Director of Residence Life. To do so will result in the forfeiture of all monies paid or owed and/or disciplinary action by the college. In the event a student withdraws during the academic semester, the accommodation must be vacated within 48 hours after withdrawal.
Residence hall contract does not include the following holiday/break periods, during which the residence halls are closed: Thanksgiving Break, Semester Break, and Spring Break. Residents are encouraged to plan ahead for these break periods by making appropriate travel and housing arrangements. (The residence halls are also closed following the Spring Semester for repairs, cleanup, etc., and reopened for the Fall Semester.)
The “Policies & Procedures” handbook is considered to be part of this contract and residents are expected to familiarize themselves with it.
The resident shall be responsible for the premises to which he or she is assigned. The resident must keep the premises and furnishings in a careful and proper manner. The assigned occupants are financially responsible for keeping the premises free from damage or abuse. Residents are also responsible for any damage done to premises by guests. The resident shall not use nails, tacks, screws, etc., in the walls, ceilings, woodwork, or doors and shall not make any alterations of the accommodations nor deface the same, not let anyone else deface the same, nor harbor any animals or pets, nor permit the accumulation of waste and refuse and shall keep the accommodation in a neat and sanitary condition at all times.
Each resident of a wing floor is partially responsible for the upkeep of that wing, including lounge and study areas. The college also reserves the right to subtract from the deposits of all residents damages done to common ground areas where no individual or individuals have been proven guilty of said damage.
All or any part of the deposit may, at the option of the college, be forfeited for damages from lack of care, damage by guests, improper behavior, or for payment of unpaid fines. Charges for damages are billed to the resident and are payable immediately. Delinquent payment of charges will result in the resident being put on Accounts Receivable. All records, transcripts and registrations will be delayed until the account is paid in full. Residents can question or appeal the accuracy of damages assessed and/or appeal for deferred payment status by contacting the residence life office.
Tobacco-Free Campus:
The residence halls are smoke-free. The IVCCD Board of Directors prohibits the use of tobacco in any form in any of its facilities.
Entry into Rooms:
The college reserves the right to enter any room on a 24 hour notice basis for the purpose of inspection.
Authorized college staff may enter any room at any time when they reasonably consider that there exists any emergency including, but not limited to, a potential threat to the health, safety, or welfare of any resident or guest. The Director of Housing and/or authorized representative reserves the right to enter any room at any time for the purpose of searching that room for any item(s) which are illegal or any other violations of college or residence hall regulations.
Authorized college staff reserves the right to enter rooms at any time to make necessary repairs, alterations, or additions.
No person may enter a room except under the above conditions unless in the presence of a resident occupying that room.
Firearms and Combustibles:
Firearms, ammunition, fireworks, and other highly combustible materials and dangerous items will not be permitted in the residence hall.
Each resident will be issued an individual key to his or her room. Replacement charges will be assessed for loss of key.
Personal Property:
The college reserves the right to restrict (or deny) the use of a resident’s own furniture, musical instruments, appliances, or stereo equipment. Stereos, radios, and TVs are allowed but must be used in a manner which respects the rights and privileges of fellow residents and staff. Under no circumstances will residents be allowed to remove or switch furniture from or between rooms and lounges.
The college assumes no liability for loss or damage from any cause to and does not carry insurance on the personal property of the resident.
Solicitation and Commercial Use:
No resident may use, or allow to be used, his or her room for commercial purpose of any kind. Soliciting in the living centers on college grounds is forbidden.
Disciplinary Actions:
Students who fail to comply with the behavioral standards set forth in the “Policies and Procedures” handbook and the college handbook are subject to suspension from the residence halls and/or disciplinary action from the college. Students who are suspended from the residence halls because of disciplinary action forfeit rights to refunds of any monies paid or owed for that semester. Local, county and state laws take precedence over any conflicting housing policy. Each resident agrees to abide by all of the rules and regulations as presented in the “Policies & Procedures” handbook and to those of the college at any particular time and place. The college reserves the right to change these rules at any time without notice.